You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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$stype = 3;
$displayarticles = 6;
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$incbanner = '0';
$incstart = $displayarticles * ($page - 1);
$incend = ($displayarticles * $page) - 1;
$inc = $incstart;
$totalpages = ceil(sizeof($includearr) / $displayarticles);
function numberLinks ($page, $totalpages, $incbanner) {
$curfile = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo '<div class="centre">';
if ($totalpages > 1) {
echo '<div class="section numlist">';
echo '<span class="homesubmessage"><b>';
if ($page != 1) {
$prev = $page - 1;
echo '<a href="'.$curfile.'?page='.$prev.'"><img src="/images/back.gif" alt="Prev" class="arrow" /></a> ';
$firstdotflag = 0;
$lastdotflag = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++) {
if ($page - $i < 4 && $page - $i > -4 || $i == 1 || $i == $totalpages) {
if ($page == $i) {
echo '<span class="greyed">'.$i.'</span> ';
} else {
echo '<a href="'.$curfile.'?page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a> ';
} elseif ($page - $i >= 4 && $firstdotflag == 0) {
echo ".. ";
$firstdotflag = 1;
} elseif ($page - $i <= -4 && $lastdotflag == 0) {
echo ".. ";
$lastdotflag = 1;
if ($page != $totalpages) {
$next = $page + 1;
echo '<a href="'.$curfile.'?page='.$next.'"><img src="/images/forward.gif" alt="Next" class="arrow" /></a>';
echo '</b></span>';
echo '</div>';
if ($incbanner == '1') {
echo '<div class="section webring-panel">';
echo '<p class="webring-text">Part of the <a href="/Other/lainchanwebring.php">Lainchan Webring</a>.</p>';
echo '<a href="/Other/lainchanwebring.php"><img src="/images/banner.gif" class="banner" alt="Banner" /></a><br />';
echo '<table class="centre webring-table">';
echo '<tbody>';
echo '<colgroup>';
echo '<col style="width: 40%">';
echo '<col style="width: 20%">';
echo '<col style="width: 20%">';
echo '<col style="width: 20%">';
echo '</colgroup>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>Clearnet:</td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=previous" target="_blank">&lt;</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=random" target="_blank">?</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=next" target="_blank">&gt;</a></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>Onion:</td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=previous&network=onion" target="_blank">&lt;</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=random&network=onion" target="_blank">?</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="/scripts/webring.php?id=concealedworld&action=next&network=onion" target="_blank">&gt;</a></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
require $root."includes/archive.php";
if (!isset($includearr)) {
echo '<div class="section nothinghere">';
echo 'Looks like there\'s nothing here yet. <br /><span class="notgood">That\'s probably not good.</span>';
echo '<br /><span class="nothingreturn"><a href="../'.$homefile.'">Return</a></span>';
echo '</div>';
} elseif (isset($_GET['post']) && $_GET['post'] == 'archive') {
} else {
$incbanner = 0;
numberLinks($page,$totalpages, $incbanner);
while ($inc <= $incend && $inc < sizeof($includearr)) {
include $root."includes/section-start.php";
include $includearr[$inc][0];
include $root."includes/section-end.php";
if ($stype == 3) {
$stype = 1;
} else {
$stype = $stype + 1;
$incbanner = 0;
numberLinks($page,$totalpages, $incbanner);
echo '<span class="scrollingcontentbtm"></span>';