and reinstalled Linux Mint, then properly installed Bedrock.</li>
<li>I installed a different linux. (<ahref="">Arch</a> specifically!)</li>
<li>Started working on a <ahref="">discord bot</a> for a friends server.</li>
<li>Actually learned how to use an IDE.</li>
<li>Stopped trying to use VIM (Don’t use vim. I beg you.)<br>
and switched to VSCode.</li>
<li>Remembered this website exists.</li>
<li>Started writing this new version of the site.</li>
<h1id="why-would-you-ever-use-vim">Why would you ever use vim?<ahref="#why-would-you-ever-use-vim"class="hanchor"ariaLabel="Anchor">⌗</a></h1>
<p>The ability to use it over SSH.<br>
VSCode can do that too (I am doing it right now!)<br>
<mark>Switch to VSCode. I beg you.</mark></p>
<h1id="back-to-the-point">Back to the point.<ahref="#back-to-the-point"class="hanchor"ariaLabel="Anchor">⌗</a></h1>
<p>Oh yes, this is dragging on for a fair bit.<br>
Most of the Minecraft server have been replaced.<br>
<sub><sup>(And why were they ever listed, they are mostly proprietary packs.)</sub></sup></p>
<h1id="anything-actually-useful-to-know">Anything actually useful to know?<ahref="#anything-actually-useful-to-know"class="hanchor"ariaLabel="Anchor">⌗</a></h1>
<p>Oh I know! Introducing the local <ahref="">Gitea</a> sever!<br>
<sub><sup>Its basically github but it goes down when this site does, feel free to use it I guess.</sub></sup></p>