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1 year ago
0.12: (20120819)
- Fancy dialogs for tweaking emulator options and peripherals. Built-in help is not finished yet.
- New peripheral handling to support multiple monitors/drives/io extenders
- Option for cpu speed throttle (1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, 100x)
- Option for drive speed boost
- Settings load and save
i've added a 16 color monitor to the emulator; same as the monochrome monitor, but with attributes
same registers as the monochrome except
attributes line buffer from 0x60->0xaf
format: xxxx yyyy
xxxx = background color (0 bits in character rom)
yyyy = foreground color (1 bits in character rom)
monitor type @ 0xff = 1 (monochrome should be 0 as is now)
blitter enhancements required for the 16 color monitor
blit mode 0x07:
0x1: almost the same, attribute value @ 0x09
0x2: remains the same (invert)
0x3: shift also shift attributes
matches the commodore-64 color table:
in pseudo-C terms, you set color like this:
// select row first as normal, then do:
poke (0x360+$column, (bgcol << 4) | (fgcol & 0xf))
forth example (by BloodyRain2k)
HEX : colors 30 0 DO I 300 C! 30 0 DO J 3 / 10 * I 3 / + 360 I + C! LOOP LOOP ;
tetris.img (with colors :) and colordemo.img available within the archive.
0.11: (20120809)
Minor changes in keyboard handling
- key typing works even if emulation is not in running state
- you can use F6 to access built-in monitor as pause/break key not exists
on some systems
- probably now not US keyboards works well (like altgr+q)
0.10: (20120808)
changes in debugger / built-in monitor / cpu-core
- multiple breakpoints (maximum 32)
- label support
new command line parameter: reads 64tass labels file for easier debugging
0.09: (20120528)
Emulation is now almost as identical as the ingame computer
- machine code monitor available with PAUSE key (pretty limited at the moment)
- IO Expanders emulated, set and check status in monitor with "io" command
- RedBus device switch now causes delay
0.08: (20120525)
with Eloraam's permission the CPU emulation is not issue anymore
- image handling fix in drive code
- minor debug fixes
0.07: (20120521)
new command line parameters:
-nospbug enables fix/workaround for SP handling bug in 65el02
minor debug screen changes
0.06: (20120521)
WARNING: CPU core changed so probably you need to change your programs
updated due to new RedPower release (RedPower Control 2pre5b2)
- replaced redforth.img (MineOS 1.1)
- replaced rpcboot.bin (CPU loader no longer crashes when loading from a disk >64k)
here's the changes what Eloraam made and implemented into the emulator
(however unsigned div/mul not tested yet):
- CPU: Fixed interpretation of the E flag
- CPU: C and Z flags are no longer swapped
- CPU: Fixed the carry flag for SBC
- CPU: Add unsigned divide support (C=0), fix divide bugs
- CPU: Added unsigned multiply support (C=0)
command line parameter "-nobug" removed as the SBC bug is fixed
0.05: (20120519)
new command line parameters:
-s start emulation immediately (no f9 pressing required)
-nobug fix the sbc bug which presents in RedPower Control 2pre5b1
0.04: (20120509)
emulator now uses SDL, hopefully this makes porting easier
blitter and drive handling separated. (no more immediately blitter updates and disk answers)
keyboard handling changed
screen cache bugfix (no blinking and stucked cursor)
drive handling updated
- read/write sector working as expected
- diskid, read and set diskname uses the name of the image (or "System Disk" on default "redforth.img")
- default "redforth.img" moved to roms folder
debug changes
- $xx,R and $xx,S codesize calculation and printout was wrong
0.03: (20120505)
mostly blitter fix. looks like finally works as expected
cygwin doesn't need anymore (or at least i hope so)
0.02: (20120505)
debug changes
- opcode and addressing mode fixes
- some status displaying
- default image name is "redforth.img" if no parameter given
working blitter
- redforth not hangs on PAGE anymore
new parameters:
-b=value set breakpoint to value
-pc=value set reset PC to value (default $0400)
-s start emulation immediately (no f9 pressing required)
0.01: (20120504)
initial release