# Example Mod
Template for making Babric mods for BTA!
**Note: *DO NOT fork this repository unless you want to contribute!* **
## Prerequisites
- JDK for Java 17 ([Eclipse Temurin](https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/) recommended)
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Minecraft Development plugin (Optional, but highly recommended)
## Setup instructions
1. Click the `Use this template` button on this repo's page above. Choose `Create a new respository` , you will be redirected to a new page. Enter your repo's name and description, and hit `Create repository` .
To get your project, open IntelliJ IDEA and click `Get from VCS` . Select `Repository URL` and enter your repo's url
2. After the project has finished importing, close it and open it again.
If that does not work, open the right sidebar with `Gradle` on it, open `Tasks` > `fabric` and run `ideaSyncTask` .
3. Create a new run configuration by going in `Run > Edit Configurations` .
Then click on the plus icon and select Gradle. In the `Tasks and Arguments` field enter `build` .
Running it will build your finished jar files and put them in `build/libs/` .
4. While in the same place, select the Client and Server run configurations and edit the VM options under the SDK selection.
![image ](https://github.com/Turnip-Labs/bta-example-mod/assets/58854399/2d45551d-83e3-4a75-b0e6-acdbb95b8114 )
Click the double arrow icon to expand the list, and append `-Dfabric.gameVersion=` to the end.
![image ](https://github.com/Turnip-Labs/bta-example-mod/assets/58854399/e4eb8a22-d88a-41ef-8fb2-e37c66e18585 )
5. Lastly, open `File` > `Settings` and head to `Build, Execution, Development` > `Build Tools` > `Gradle` .
Make sure `Build and run using` and `Run tests using` is set to `Gradle` .
6. Done! Now, all that's left is to change every mention of `examplemod` and `turniplabs` to your own mod id and mod group, respectively. Happy modding!