local discordia = require('discordia') local client = discordia.Client() local basicCommands = require("./basicCommands.lua") local tools = require("./tools.lua") local rng = require("./rng.lua") --Setup bot here, initializes bot client:once("ready", function() client:setGame("Astoria's bot, very sad!") print('Logged in as '.. client.user.username) end) --Everything past this point is commands, initialized here in bot.lua, but its good practise to have the actual functions outside, may be converted to one main call. May be laggier that way, but less cluttered. Perhaps a table? --Creates a lenny face client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "lenny") == true then message.channel:send("( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)") message:delete() end end) --Posts an image of glomping, may add RNG later. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "glomp") == true then message.channel:send("https://tenor.com/view/tv-shows-television-tackle-hug-hug-glomping-gif-14859564") end end) --Ping Pong function, generally just to see if its on or not without triggering a more complex function. Also tests if its really borked. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "ping") == true then message.channel:send('Pong!') end end) --Places elmo on fire in chat. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "fire") == true then message.channel:send('https://tenor.com/view/elmo-fire-burn-flame-gif-5042503') end end) --Dumps docs/help to chat, took me forever to figure out. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "helpme") == true then message.channel:send(tools.printFile("docs/help")) end end) --Rolls a d20, check RNG for more info. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "roll") == true then message.channel:send(rng.d20()) end end) --Posts time to channel, stuck in military time, perhaps use a io.popen() to get actual system time in a more human readable format? client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "time") == true then message.channel:send('The current time in military time is ' .. os.date() .. ' atleast in Chicago!') end end) --Prints contents and attachments to console. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "analyze") == true then print(message.content) print(message.attachments) end end) --Parrots input to cowsay, then echos it to the same channel you are in. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "figlet ") == true then local figletthis = string.sub(message.content, 9) local figlet = basicCommands.figlet(figletthis) local result = "```fix" .. "\n" .. figlet .. "```" message.channel:send(result) end end) --Parrots input to cowsay, then echos it to the same channel you are in. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "cowsay ") == true then local cowsay = string.sub(message.content, 9) local cowsaid = basicCommands.cowsay(cowsay) local result = "```fix" .. "\n" .. cowsaid .. "```" message.channel:send(result) end end) --Echo's what you said back out, in a fix codeblock. Could be against TOS. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "echo ") == true then local echo = string.sub(message.content, 7) local echoed = basicCommands.echo(echo) local result = "```fix" .. "\n" .. echoed .. "```" message.channel:send(result) message:delete() end end) --When anyone preforms welsh, send gif. You know the drill client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if tools.messageDectection(message, "welsh") == true then image = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748713417489252503/770289379586867231/image0.gif" message.channel:send(image) message:delete() end end) --Non command stuff past this line --When a user is banned, post a lenney. client:on('userBan', function() local banChannel, err = client:getChannel("872283716486066200") if not banChannel then p("Attempt to fetch the channel object: ", err) return end banChannel:send("User was banned ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)") end) --Every time someone says "gif" or some varient of that, often in gifs themselves, it pastes that text. May replace with a copypasta. client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if message.author.bot then return end if tools.messageDectectionAnywhere(message, "gif") == true then message.channel:send("GIF IS PRONOUNCED WITH A HARD G, ITS NOT JIF OR YIFF") end end) --Insert Token in a .lua file with simply returns it as a string. local token = require("./token.lua") client:run('Bot '..token)