local discordia = require('discordia') local client = discordia.Client() basic = require("./basicCommands.lua") seed = os.time() math.randomseed(seed) function messageDectection(message, search) distinctMessage = message.content key = "!" keyedSearch = key .. search if string.find(distinctMessage, keyedSearch) == 1 then return true else return false end end function printFile(file) rawFile = io.open(file, r) message = rawFile:read("*all") rawFile:close() return message end client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "lenny") == true then message.channel:send("( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)") end end) client:once("ready", function() client:setGame("Astoria's bot, very sad!") print('Logged in as '.. client.user.username) end) client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "ping") == true then message.channel:send('Pong!') end end) client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "ThemHelp") == true then message.channel:send(printFile("docs/help")) end end) client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "roll") == true then dice = math.random(20) message.channel:send('You rolled a ' .. dice .. ' out of 20') if dice==20 then message.channel:send('Nat 20! Crititcal Hit') else if dice==1 then message.channel:send('Nat 1! Critical Shit!') end end end end) --[[ client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if message.content == '!time' then message.channel:send('The current time in military time is ' .. os.date() .. ', atleast in Chicago!') end end) ]] --Replacing the above with a more tolerant version client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "time") == true then message.channel:send('The current time in military time is ' .. os.date() .. ' atleast in Chicago!') end end) client:on('messageCreate', function(message) if messageDectection(message, "hiddentest") == true then message.channel:send(basic.helloWorld()) end end) client:run('Bot ODczMjU1Mjk2MDI0MzIyMDU5.YQ1wXg.BbXq1fu-4nlG95EkLkHujVEObG4')