local discordia = require("discordia") local client = discordia.Client() client:on("ready", function() -- bot is ready print("Logged in as " .. client.user.username) end) client:on("messageCreate", function(message) local content = message.content local author = message.author if content == "!embed" then message:reply { embed = { title = "Embed Title", description = "Here is my fancy description!", author = { name = author.username, icon_url = author.avatarURL }, fields = { -- array of fields { name = "Field 1", value = "This is some information", inline = true }, { name = "Field 2", value = "This is some more information", inline = false } }, footer = { text = "Created with Discordia" }, color = 0x000000 -- hex color code } } end end) client:run("Bot BOT_TOKEN") -- replace BOT_TOKEN with your bot token