--[=[ @c PrivateChannel x TextChannel @d Represents a private Discord text channel used to track correspondences between the current user and one other recipient. ]=] local TextChannel = require('containers/abstract/TextChannel') local PrivateChannel, get = require('class')('PrivateChannel', TextChannel) function PrivateChannel:__init(data, parent) TextChannel.__init(self, data, parent) self._recipient = self.client._users:_insert(data.recipients[1]) end --[=[ @m close @t http @r boolean @d Closes the channel. This does not delete the channel. To re-open the channel, use `User:getPrivateChannel`. ]=] function PrivateChannel:close() return self:_delete() end --[=[@p name string Equivalent to `PrivateChannel.recipient.username`.]=] function get.name(self) return self._recipient._username end --[=[@p recipient User The recipient of this channel's messages, other than the current user.]=] function get.recipient(self) return self._recipient end return PrivateChannel