--[=[ @c User x Snowflake @d Represents a single user of Discord, either a human or a bot, outside of any specific guild's context. ]=] local Snowflake = require('containers/abstract/Snowflake') local FilteredIterable = require('iterables/FilteredIterable') local constants = require('constants') local format = string.format local DEFAULT_AVATARS = constants.DEFAULT_AVATARS local User, get = require('class')('User', Snowflake) function User:__init(data, parent) Snowflake.__init(self, data, parent) end --[=[ @m getAvatarURL @t mem @op size number @op ext string @r string @d Returns a URL that can be used to view the user's full avatar. If provided, the size must be a power of 2 while the extension must be a valid image format. If the user does not have a custom avatar, the default URL is returned. ]=] function User:getAvatarURL(size, ext) local avatar = self._avatar if avatar then ext = ext or avatar:find('a_') == 1 and 'gif' or 'png' if size then return format('https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/%s/%s.%s?size=%s', self._id, avatar, ext, size) else return format('https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/%s/%s.%s', self._id, avatar, ext) end else return self:getDefaultAvatarURL(size) end end --[=[ @m getDefaultAvatarURL @t mem @op size number @r string @d Returns a URL that can be used to view the user's default avatar. ]=] function User:getDefaultAvatarURL(size) local avatar = self.defaultAvatar if size then return format('https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/%s.png?size=%s', avatar, size) else return format('https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/%s.png', avatar) end end --[=[ @m getPrivateChannel @t http @r PrivateChannel @d Returns a private channel that can be used to communicate with the user. If the channel is not cached an HTTP request is made to open one. ]=] function User:getPrivateChannel() local id = self._id local client = self.client local channel = client._private_channels:find(function(e) return e._recipient._id == id end) if channel then return channel else local data, err = client._api:createDM({recipient_id = id}) if data then return client._private_channels:_insert(data) else return nil, err end end end --[=[ @m send @t http @p content string/table @r Message @d Equivalent to `User:getPrivateChannel():send(content)` ]=] function User:send(content) local channel, err = self:getPrivateChannel() if channel then return channel:send(content) else return nil, err end end --[=[ @m sendf @t http @p content string @r Message @d Equivalent to `User:getPrivateChannel():sendf(content)` ]=] function User:sendf(content, ...) local channel, err = self:getPrivateChannel() if channel then return channel:sendf(content, ...) else return nil, err end end --[=[@p bot boolean Whether this user is a bot.]=] function get.bot(self) return self._bot or false end --[=[@p name string Equivalent to `User.username`.]=] function get.name(self) return self._username end --[=[@p username string The name of the user. This should be between 2 and 32 characters in length.]=] function get.username(self) return self._username end --[=[@p discriminator number The discriminator of the user. This is a 4-digit string that is used to discriminate the user from other users with the same username.]=] function get.discriminator(self) return self._discriminator end --[=[@p tag string The user's username and discriminator concatenated by an `#`.]=] function get.tag(self) return self._username .. '#' .. self._discriminator end function get.fullname(self) self.client:_deprecated(self.__name, 'fullname', 'tag') return self._username .. '#' .. self._discriminator end --[=[@p avatar string/nil The hash for the user's custom avatar, if one is set.]=] function get.avatar(self) return self._avatar end --[=[@p defaultAvatar number The user's default avatar. See the `defaultAvatar` enumeration for a human-readable representation.]=] function get.defaultAvatar(self) return self._discriminator % DEFAULT_AVATARS end --[=[@p avatarURL string Equivalent to the result of calling `User:getAvatarURL()`.]=] function get.avatarURL(self) return self:getAvatarURL() end --[=[@p defaultAvatarURL string Equivalent to the result of calling `User:getDefaultAvatarURL()`.]=] function get.defaultAvatarURL(self) return self:getDefaultAvatarURL() end --[=[@p mentionString string A string that, when included in a message content, may resolve as user notification in the official Discord client.]=] function get.mentionString(self) return format('<@%s>', self._id) end --[=[@p mutualGuilds FilteredIterable A iterable cache of all guilds where this user shares a membership with the current user. The guild must be cached on the current client and the user's member object must be cached in that guild in order for it to appear here.]=] function get.mutualGuilds(self) if not self._mutual_guilds then local id = self._id self._mutual_guilds = FilteredIterable(self.client._guilds, function(g) return g._members:get(id) end) end return self._mutual_guilds end return User