local rng = {} local tools = dofile("./API/tools.lua") --Rolls a d20, if output is 1, Critical miss(or Shit), if output is 20, critical hit. function rng.d20() tools.seed() local dice = math.random(20) local messagePart1 = ('You rolled a ' .. dice .. ' out of 20') local messagepart2 = '' if dice==20 then messagepart2 = ('Nat 20! Crititcal Hit') else if dice==1 then messagepart2 = ('Nat 1! Critical Shit!') end end local message = messagePart1 .. '\n' .. messagepart2 return message end function rng.roll(arg) tools.seed() local mathArgument = arg[2] local compareNumber = tonumber(mathArgument) local dice = math.random(mathArgument) local messagePart1 = ('You rolled a ' .. dice .. ' out of '..mathArgument) local messagepart2 = '' if dice == compareNumber then messagepart2 = ('Nat '..mathArgument..'! Crititcal Hit') else if dice==1 then messagepart2 = ('Nat 1! Critical Shit!') end end local message = messagePart1 .. '\n' .. messagepart2 return message end return rng -- This project is libre, and licenced under the terms of the -- DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENCE, version 3.1, -- as published by dtf on July 2019. See the COPYING file or -- https://ph.dtf.wtf/w/wtfpl/#version-3-1 for more details.