local basicCommands = {} local prefix = dofile("./docs/key.lua") local commands = { -- Define commands its a table that will contain our commands [prefix..'lenny'] = { -- Creates a lenny face exec = function (message) message.channel:send('( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)') end }; [prefix..'glomp'] = { -- Posts an image of glomping, may add RNG later. exec = function (message) message.channel:send('https://tenor.com/view/tv-shows-television-tackle-hug-hug-glomping-gif-14859564') end }; [prefix..'ping'] = { -- Ping Pong function, generally just to see if its on or not without triggering a more complex function. Also tests if its really borked. exec = function (message) message.channel:send("Pong!") end }; [prefix..'fire'] = { -- Places elmo on fire in chat. exec = function (message) message.channel:send("https://tenor.com/view/elmo-fire-burn-flame-gif-5042503") end }; [prefix..'time'] = { -- Posts time to channel, stuck in military time, perhaps use a io.popen() to get actual system time in a more human readable format? exec = function (message) message.channel:send('The current time in military time is ' .. os.date() .. ' atleast in Chicago!') end }; [prefix..'analyze'] = { -- Prints contents and attachments to console. exec = function (message) p(message.content) p(message.attachments) end }; [prefix..'welsh'] = { -- Welsh. exec = function (message) message.channel:send("https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/748713417489252503/770289379586867231/image0.gif lol") message:delete() end }; } function basicCommands.initialize() return commands end return basicCommands