local tools = {} --initializes or re-initializes the seed of RNG, based on Unix Time. function tools.seed() local seed = os.time() math.randomseed(seed) end --Initializes commands. function tools.initialize() if tools.getMode() == "normal" then local simpleCommands = dofile("./commands/simpleCommands.lua") local complexCommands = dofile("./commands/complexCommands.lua") local complexCommands = complexCommands.initialize() local simpleCommands = simpleCommands.initialize() local commands = tools.tableMerge(simpleCommands, complexCommands) return commands elseif tools.getMode() == "test" then local simpleCommands = dofile("./commands/simpleCommands.lua") local complexCommands = dofile("./commands/complexCommands.lua") local experimentalCommands = dofile("./commands/experimentalCommands.lua") local simpleCommands = simpleCommands.initialize() local complexCommands = complexCommands.initialize() local experimentalCommands = experimentalCommands.initialize() local commandsP1 = tools.tableMerge(simpleCommands, complexCommands) local commands = tools.tableMerge(commandsP1, experimentalCommands) return commands else local simpleCommands = dofile("./commands/simpleCommands.lua") local complexCommands = dofile("./commands/complexCommands.lua") local complexCommands = complexCommands.initialize() local simpleCommands = simpleCommands.initialize() local commands = tools.tableMerge(simpleCommands, complexCommands) return commands end end --Sets mode function tools.setMode(mode) local file = io.open("./docs/mode", "w") io.output(file) file:seek("set", 0) if mode == "test" then file:write("'test'") elseif mode == "normal" then file:write("'normal'") else --Default to normal file:write("'normal'") end file:close() end function tools.getMode() local file = io.open("./docs/mode", "r") io.input(file) file:seek("set", 0) local mode = file:read() file:close() if mode then mode = mode:gsub("%s+", "") mode = mode:gsub("'", "") return mode else return "normal" end end --Sets if we should reinitialize. function tools.setReinit(reinit) local reinitFile = io.open("./docs/reinitialize.lua", "r+") io.input(reinitFile) io.output(reinitFile) reinitFile:seek("set", 7) if type(reinit) == "boolean" then if reinit == true then reinitFile:write("true ") elseif reinit == false then reinitFile:write("false") end else --default to no reinitFile:write("return false") end reinitFile:close() end function tools.getReinit() return dofile("./docs/reinitialize.lua") end --Reads an entire file, outputs as string. function tools.printFile(file) local rawFile = io.open(file, r) local message = rawFile:read("*all") rawFile:close() return message end function tools.tableConcat(t1,t2) for i=1,#t2 do t1[#t1+1] = t2[i] end return t1 end function tools.tableMerge(t1, t2) for k,v in pairs(t2) do if type(v) == "table" then if type(t1[k] or false) == "table" then tools.tableMerge(t1[k] or {}, t2[k] or {}) else t1[k] = v end else t1[k] = v end end return t1 end --Work on this later, simplify fumo command, less hardcoding, please. function tools.massDetection(folder, filetype) local command = "find "..folder.." | grep -i "..filetype.." | grep -n "..filetype local result = io.popen(command) return(result) end -- Checks fumoFile after running the fumoLine numbering script, to get the number of .gif files there are. function tools.fumoLines() os.execute("/bin/bash API/fumoLines.sh") local file = io.open("./docs/fumoFile", "r") local fumoFile = file:read() file:close() return(fumoFile) end -- Creates a table of every gif in the /fumoGif folder. Uses the fumoList script to get their location, and the fumoLine script to get what line number they are, which is their key function tools.fumoList() local lineList = tools.fumoLines() local fumoList = {} os.execute("/bin/bash API/fumoList.sh") local file = io.open("./docs/fumoFile", "r") for i = lineList,1,-1 do local number = i fumoList[number]=file:read() end file:close() return(fumoList) end --Message detection logic. If string.find detects both the desired string, and the key, starting at position 1, do the thing. --Now deprecated function tools.messageDectection(message, search) local distinctMessage = string.lower(message.content) local key = dofile("./docs/key.lua") local keyedSearch = key .. search if string.find(distinctMessage, keyedSearch) == 1 then return true else return false end end --Special message detection logic. If string.find detects both the desired string, do the thing. Useful for chat filers. function tools.messageDectectionAnywhere(message, search) local distinctMessage = string.lower(message.content) if string.find(distinctMessage, search) ~= nil then return true else return false end end --Executes Figlet on the host machine. function tools.figlet(string) local figleted = io.popen("figlet ".. string) local result = figleted:read("*all") return result end --Executes Cowsay on the host machine. function tools.cowsay(string) local cowsaid = io.popen("cowsay ".. string) local result = cowsaid:read("*all") return result end --Takes input and makes it output. GIGO. function tools.echo(string) return string end return tools