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@c Snowflake x Container
@t abc
@d Defines the base methods and/or properties for all Discord objects that have
a Snowflake ID.
local Date = require('utils/Date')
local Container = require('containers/abstract/Container')
local Snowflake, get = require('class')('Snowflake', Container)
function Snowflake:__init(data, parent)
Container.__init(self, data, parent)
@m __hash
@r string
@d Returns ``
function Snowflake:__hash()
return self._id
@m getDate
@t mem
@r Date
@d Returns a unique Date object that represents when the object was created by Discord.
Equivalent to `Date.fromSnowflake(`
function Snowflake:getDate()
return Date.fromSnowflake(self._id)
--[=[@p id string The Snowflake ID that can be used to identify the object. This is guaranteed to
be unique except in cases where an object shares the ID of its parent.]=]
return self._id
--[=[@p createdAt number The Unix time in seconds at which this object was created by Discord. Additional
decimal points may be present, though only the first 3 (milliseconds) should be
considered accurate.
Equivalent to `Date.parseSnowflake(`.
function get.createdAt(self)
return Date.parseSnowflake(self._id)
--[=[@p timestamp string The date and time at which this object was created by Discord, represented as
an ISO 8601 string plus microseconds when available.
Equivalent to `Date.fromSnowflake(`.
function get.timestamp(self)
return Date.fromSnowflake(self._id):toISO()
return Snowflake