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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 07.04.2000
; CC65 runtime: += operator
; On entry, the low byte of the address of the variable to increment is
; in ptr1, the high byte is in Y, and the increment is in eax.
.export laddeq1, laddeqa, laddeq
.importzp sreg, ptr1, tmp1
lda #$01
ldx #$00
stx sreg
stx sreg+1
laddeq: sty ptr1+1 ; Store high byte of address
ldy #$00 ; Address low byte
adc (ptr1),y
sta (ptr1),y
pha ; Save byte 0 of result for later
iny ; Address byte 1
adc (ptr1),y ; Load byte 1
sta (ptr1),y
iny ; Address byte 2
lda sreg
adc (ptr1),y
sta (ptr1),y
sta sreg
iny ; Address byte 3
lda sreg+1
adc (ptr1),y
sta (ptr1),y
sta sreg+1
pla ; Retrieve byte 0 of result
rts ; Done