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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 13.08.1998
; CC65 runtime: helper stuff for mod/div/mul with long signed ints
; When negating values, we will ignore the possibility here, that one of the
; values if $80000000, in which case the negate will fail.
.export poplsargs
.import getlop
.importzp sreg, tmp1, tmp2, ptr1, ptr3, ptr4
jsr getlop ; Get the operands
; Remember the signs of the operands (that is, the high bytes) in tmp1 and
; tmp2. Make both operands positive.
lda sreg+1 ; Is the left operand negative?
sta tmp1 ; Remember the sign for later
bpl L1 ; Jump if not
clc ; Make it positive
lda ptr1
eor #$FF
adc #$01
sta ptr1
lda ptr1+1
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta ptr1+1
lda sreg
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta sreg
lda sreg+1
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta sreg+1
L1: lda ptr4+1 ; Is the right operand nagative?
sta tmp2 ; Remember the sign for later
bpl L2 ; Jump if not
clc ; Make it positive
lda ptr3
eor #$FF
adc #$01
sta ptr3
lda ptr3+1
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta ptr3+1
lda ptr4
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta ptr4
lda ptr4+1
eor #$FF
adc #$00
sta ptr4+1
L2: rts