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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 1998-12-07, 2004-12-01
; Copy the data segment from the LOAD to the RUN location
.export copydata
.import __DATA_LOAD__, __DATA_RUN__, __DATA_SIZE__
.importzp ptr1, ptr2, tmp1
lda #<__DATA_LOAD__ ; Source pointer
sta ptr1
lda #>__DATA_LOAD__
sta ptr1+1
lda #<__DATA_RUN__ ; Target pointer
sta ptr2
lda #>__DATA_RUN__
sta ptr2+1
ldx #<~__DATA_SIZE__
lda #>~__DATA_SIZE__ ; Use -(__DATASIZE__+1)
sta tmp1
ldy #$00
; Copy loop
@L1: inx
beq @L3
@L2: lda (ptr1),y
sta (ptr2),y
bne @L1
inc ptr1+1
inc ptr2+1 ; Bump pointers
bne @L1 ; Branch always (hopefully)
; Bump the high counter byte
@L3: inc tmp1
bne @L2
; Done