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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 25.10.2000
; CC65 runtime: Increment the stackpointer by 2. For performance reasons,
; this modules does also contain the popax function.
.export popax, incsp2
.importzp sp
.macpack cpu
; Pop a/x from stack. This function will run directly into incsp2
.proc popax
ldy #1
lda (sp),y ; get hi byte
tax ; into x
.if (.cpu .bitand ::CPU_ISET_65SC02)
lda (sp) ; get lo byte
lda (sp),y ; get lo byte
.proc incsp2
inc sp ; 5
beq @L1 ; 2
inc sp ; 5
beq @L2 ; 2
@L1: inc sp ; 5
@L2: inc sp+1 ; 5