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; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 17.05.2000
; char* __fastcall__ strerror (int errcode);
; /* Map an error number to an error message */
.export _strerror
.import __sys_errlist
.include ""
cpx #$00 ; High byte must be zero
bne @L1 ; Jump if invalid error
cmp #EMAX ; Valid error code (map EUNKNOWN to 0)?
bcc @L2 ; Jump if ok
; The given error code is invalid
@L1: lda #<EINVAL
sta __errno
lda #>EINVAL ; = 0
sta __errno+1
; lda #$00 ; A contains zero: "Unknown error"
; Load the pointer to the error message and return
@L2: asl a ; * 2
ldx __sys_errlist+1,y
lda __sys_errlist,y