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229 lines
3.3 KiB

; File generated by cc65 v 2.13.3
.fopt compiler,"cc65 v 2.13.3"
.setcpu "65C02"
.smart on
.autoimport on
.case on
.debuginfo on
.importzp sp, sreg, regsave, regbank, tmp1, ptr1, ptr2
.macpack longbranch
.dbg file, "strtok.c", 1493, 1667622315
.dbg file, "../../include/string.h", 4883, 1667622315
.dbg file, "../../include/stddef.h", 2972, 1667622315
.import _strchr
.export _strtok
.segment "DATA"
.word $0000
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; __near__ unsigned char* __near__ __fastcall__ strtok (register __near__ unsigned char*, __near__ const unsigned char*)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
.segment "CODE"
.proc _strtok: near
.segment "CODE"
; {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 31
jsr pushax
ldy #$02
ldx #$04
jsr regswap2
; if (s1 == 0) {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 36
jsr decsp3
lda regbank+4
ora regbank+4+1
bne L0004
; s1 = Last;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 37
lda _Last
sta regbank+4
lda _Last+1
sta regbank+4+1
; if (*s1 == '\0') {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 41
L0004: lda (regbank+4)
bne L0009
; return 0;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 42
jmp L0003
; while ((c = *s1) && strchr (s2, c) != 0) {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 48
L0009: lda (regbank+4)
ldy #$02
sta (sp),y
beq L000D
ldy #$04
lda (sp),y
lda (sp),y
jsr pushax
ldy #$04
lda (sp),y
ldx #$00
jsr _strchr
cpx #$00
bne L000E
cmp #$00
beq L000D
; ++s1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 49
L000E: inc regbank+4
bne L0009
inc regbank+4+1
; }
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 50
bra L0009
; if (c == '\0') {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 51
L000D: ldy #$02
lda (sp),y
bne L0018
; Last = s1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 53
lda regbank+4
sta _Last
lda regbank+4+1
sta _Last+1
; return 0;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 54
bra L0003
; start = s1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 58
L0018: lda regbank+4
ldx regbank+4+1
jsr stax0sp
; while ((c = *s1) && strchr (s2, c) == 0) {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 61
L001F: lda (regbank+4)
ldy #$02
sta (sp),y
beq L0020
ldy #$04
lda (sp),y
lda (sp),y
jsr pushax
ldy #$04
lda (sp),y
ldx #$00
jsr _strchr
cpx #$00
bne L0020
cmp #$00
bne L0020
; ++s1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 62
inc regbank+4
bne L001F
inc regbank+4+1
; }
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 63
bra L001F
; if (c == '\0') {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 64
L0020: ldy #$02
lda (sp),y
bne L002B
; Last = s1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 66
lda regbank+4
sta _Last
lda regbank+4+1
sta _Last+1
; } else {
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 67
bra L002F
; *s1 = '\0';
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 68
L002B: lda #$00
sta (regbank+4)
; Last = s1 + 1;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 69
lda regbank+4
ldx regbank+4+1
bne L0034
L0034: sta _Last
stx _Last+1
; return start;
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 73
L002F: dey
lda (sp),y
lda (sp)
; }
.dbg line, "strtok.c", 74
L0003: pha
ldy #$05
lda (sp),y
sta regbank+4
lda (sp),y
sta regbank+5
jmp incsp7
.dbg line