You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

48 lines
883 B

; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 02.06.1998
; char* strlower (char* s);
; char* strlwr (char* s);
; Non-ANSI
.export _strlower, _strlwr
.import popax
.import __ctype
.importzp ptr1, ptr2
.include ""
sta ptr1 ; Save s (working copy)
stx ptr1+1
sta ptr2
sta ptr2+2 ; save function result
ldy #0
loop: lda (ptr1),y ; get character
beq L9 ; jump if done
lda __ctype,x ; get character classification
and #CT_UPPER ; upper case char?
beq L1 ; jump if no
txa ; get character back into accu
sbc #<('A'-'a') ; make lower case char
sta (ptr1),y ; store back
L1: iny ; next char
bne loop
inc ptr1+1 ; handle offset overflow
bne loop ; branch always
; Done, return the argument string
L9: lda ptr2
ldx ptr2+1